Two medical doctors with a specialization in HIV field and project management

Du Dimanche 22 Mai 2016 au Mercredi 15 Juin 2016
3. Tasks and responsibilities HIV Care Quality improvement & Capacity building of healthcare workers in partnership with Save the Children and the Nepalese clinicians of reference centers 3.1. Assess, design and implement • Assess the needs, design an action plan to strengthen the capacity of the health workers and implement it with different types of activities related to the following various topics of HIV care; • HIV topics: counseling, testing, diagnosis, prophylaxis, care and treatment of HIV, ART prescription and monitoring, PMTCT and pediatric care, Opportunistic Infections management, TB/HIV/hepatitis co-infection, Sexually Transmitted Infections, hospital hygiene, dispensing & adherence support, psychological support, support to health mediators-peer counsellors (PLHIV) for the support of patients and assistance of healthcare workers, integrated care for intravenous drug users with HIV, data management & analysis; • Stigma reduction and gender approach are key elements which should be included in all the activities; • Suggest operational research issues and if needed implement and support them in the field. 3.2. Classroom trainings • Assess the trainings needs of the different types of health workers; • Participate in the elaboration of a curriculum for HCW and peer-counsellors on the topics detailed above; • Organize and conduct trainings and trainings-of-trainers; • Coordinate the trainings of trainers; • Participate in the evaluation of training activities. 3.3. Clinical mentoring and bed-side trainings • Organize and conduct bed-side trainings according to identified needs; • Provide onsite clinical mentoring to reinforce HCW skills & capacities; 3.4. E-medecine • Support remote trainings; • Implement regular multidisciplinary medical meetings to encourage links between clinical partners: leading care centers abroad (France, Thailand, Nepal…) by video conference. 3.5. Civil society • Support interaction between civil society, Community Based Organizations and HCW. Support to national actors in partnership with Save the Children and University leaders • Participate to the elaboration and updating of national HIV guidelines and recommendations; • Give support to the National Center for AIDS and STD Control: raising awareness among local health authorities for the integration of HIV into their routine activities: trainings and on-site joint supervision; • Provide support for national HIV strategy and Global Fund request documents. Representation, coordination and reporting • Attend coordination meetings relevant to country programs when dealing with medical issues; • Coordinate, guide and support the international experts coming for trainings during their mission in Nepal (agreement, training planning, reporting, financial monitoring…); • Coordinate, guide and support the hospital twinning partnership (agreement, training planning, reporting, financial monitoring…) • Coordinate and implement the training plan; • Working Relationships with all members of the team, involved in the same project or others; • Coordinate specific events such as workshop; • Management of the project and the Nepalese team on the ground, with the support of the Expertise France project officer in Paris; • Reporting to the project officer in Paris (logistic, administrative, finance) and to Save the Children.

Vanel Matthieu
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