MMI Juin2019

Vendredi 10 Mai 2019

Médecine et maladies infectieuses Vol 49 - N°4 - juin 2019 - P. 231-292

Revue générale

A practical approach to tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in liver transplant recipients in a low-prevalence area
A. Bosch, F. Valour, O. Dumitrescu, J. Dumortier, S. Radenne, M. Pages-Ecochard, C. Chidiac, T. Ferry, T. Perpoint, P. Miailhes, A. Conrad, S. Goutelle, F. Ader, Lyon TB study Group
Articles originaux
Perceptions, attitudes, and practices of French junior physicians regarding antibiotic use and resistance C. Lévin, N. Thilly, M. Dousak, G. Beraud, M. Klesnik, S. Uhan, D. Nathwani, B. Beovic, C. Pulcini, ESGAP (the European Society of Clinical Microbiology [ESCMID], Infectious Diseases Study Group for Antimicrobial stewardshiP)

Clinical characteristics and predictive score of dengue vs. chikungunya virus infections T. Bonifay, G. Vesin, B. Bidaud, C. Bonnefoy, M. Dueymes, M. Nacher, F. Djossou, L. Epelboin
Travel medicine consultation: An opportunity to improve coverage for routine vaccinations Y.T. Aba, A. Gagneux-Brunon, C. Andrillat, P. Fouilloux, F. Daoud, C. Defontaine, F. Lucht, E. Botelho-Nevers
Which antiretrovirals should be prescribed as first-line treatments? Changes over the past 10 years in France P. Pugliese, V. Joly, M.A. Valantin, L. Cotte, T. Huleux, C. Allavena, J. Reynes, I. Poizot-Martin, F. Bani-Sadr, L. Cuzin, Dat'AIDS group 1
Communications brèves
Acute myelitis associated with dengue infection A. Landais, B. Hartz, R. Alhendi, A. Lannuzel
Thesaurus for off-label indications for systemic antifungal agents A.L. Bienvenu, M. Aussedat, F. Maldonado, R. Kavafian, C. Barbieri, M. Tod, C. Paillet, L. Juillard, C. Chidiac, G. Leboucher
Cas clinique
Une leishmaniose cutanée réfractaire : intérêt de la miltéfosine C. Guerveno, K. Delavigne, A. Berry, G. Martin-Blondel, P. Delobel
Lettres à la rédaction
Geotrichum capitatum fungemia in patients treated for acute leukemia H. Ben Neji, M. Bchir, M. Hamdoun, A. Kallel, K. Kallel, O. Bahri, B. Meddeb
Scabies in an obese patient: How should the ivermectin dosing be adapted? G. Mellon, L. Hermet, P.L. Toutain, A. Dulioust, A. Lespine
Septic shock related to community-acquired pneumonia with ecthyma gangrenosum O. Passouant, M. Hentzien, M. Viguier, V. Vernet-Garnier, F. Bani-Sadr, J. Cousson


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